Our New Website + Branding

We’re excited to share with you a clean redesign of our website and overall branding; thanks Site Savvy!

With an updated and hopefully easier to use navigation menu, more content to share on each page, and overall more ways to communicate with us and have your questions answered; we’re stepping into the new year on the right foot!

Our hope is to further help both people traveling to Yakima, and residents of Central Washington, to have a fun time while visiting Suntides Golf, our restaurant and lounge, OR our RV Park.

So; what are the new features and how do they effect you?

1 – You can now register for tournaments through our online form instead of previously having to print out a form and mail it to us. Less headache, easier to register, and more time on your hands 😉

2 – A weekly updated tournaments page where you can see competition results.

3 – News posts to keep you up to date on what’s going on in our neck of the woods. During the upcoming snowy months, we plan on throwing some poker-nights and other events.

4 – We now have a newsletter form! If you’d prefer to be emailed regarding the latest news, events, or info that we have going on; take a few seconds to fill out this form.

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